Definitely not. You most likely have the latent form of toxoplasmosis, meaning that you must have become infected some time[…]
My laboratory tests show presence of positive IgM antibodies in my blood? Does that mean that I suffer from acute toxoplasmosis?
It may and may not be the case. To determine the exact phase of your disease, you need to know the[…]
I got infected by toxoplasma during my pregnancy—should I have an abortion?
Stay calm, not yet. Your doctor must first confirm that you really became infected only during your pregnancy, which tends[…]
I got infected by toxoplasma during my pregnancy and the infection transmitted to my child—should I have an abortion?
Even when your baby becomes infected, it doesn’t have to mean that it will have serious developmental disabilities, especially if[…]
I got infected by toxoplasma during my pregnancy, the infection transmitted to my child and now it shows signs of a developmental disability—should I have an abortion?
That depends on the type of damage to the foetus and, besides other things, on your family situation. In this[…]
Where can I get tested on toxoplasmosis?
Toxoplasmosis test is a blood test that can be carried out in most diagnostic microbiology or parasitology laboratories. The test[…]
The test results show no toxoplasma antibodies in my blood—does that mean that I’m not infected?
Most likely it does. You should try to keep it that way. However, there’s a small percentage of cases (about[…]
My results show toxoplasma antibodies in my blood—should I be treated?
There’s a 99% chance that you have the latent form of toxoplasmosis, meaning that you have a dormant parasite in[…]
Is it true that toxoplasmosis increases the risk of having a traffic accident?
Yes. Toxoplasmosis increases your reaction time (infected people simply react slower), raising your chances of having an accident. That applies[…]
Is it true that toxoplasmosis raises the risk of some mental illnesses?
Yes. Toxoplasmosis increases the possibility of you having schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and obsessive‑compulsive disorder. On the other hand, it also[…]