What is toxoplasma?
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Toxoplasma, scientifically called Toxoplasma gondii, is a microscopic protozoan parasite. It is estimated that approximately one third of the population of the Czech Republic is infected with it. In Germany, the estimates are by 5–10% higher because there’s more raw meat in German cuisine and the numbers are even bigger for France. Once you become infected with toxoplasma, it’s for the rest of our life. The good news is that the parasite can’t really cause much harm to individuals with a fully functional immune system. All it does is slowly procreate in some of its host’s cells, which it rearranges into the so‑called tissue cysts for that purpose. Toxoplasma can reproduce sexually only in the gut of a cat. Through faeces, its oocysts are released to the soil, where they remain infectious for several months or even years. Any warm‑bloodied animal, including humans, can become infected with oocysts. Cats become infected by catching and eating an already infected animal.


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